Monday, November 24, 2008

Stony Brook University Political Science Department Election 2008 Debriefing

I know this is a little late, but hey, better late than never.  So, my wife Lindsey is a professor in the political science department at Stony Brook, and a few days after the election, they had a debriefing to discuss the results.  Three of Lindsey's colleagues, Profs. Stanley Feldman, Leonie Huddy, and Helmut Norpoth worked behind the scenes during the election coverage at CBS (Stanley and Leonie) and the New York Times (Helmut) and gave us the insider's perspective on how the polling data came in and how they made their calls and everything.  It was really cool.


Grad students excitedly gather to listen.

Leonie and Helmut discuss the final touches on their presentation before they started.

Stanley chats before the presentation.

Prof. Milt Lodge listens attentively.

Leonie shares her behind the scenes perspective.

Department Chair Prof. Jeff Segal ponders the results.

Helmut really had a great time with the NY Times.

Stanley tells us how it all went down.

Grad students trying to glean new insights.

More from Leonie

Grad students attending the presentation.

Prof. Frank Myers sharing his opinions.

The crowd paying close attention.

More attentive grad students.

Prof. Howie Lavine laughing at something...  I can't remember what, but it was funny.  Probably had something to do with Palin's political prowess.

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