Saturday, June 27, 2009

A day in Dobbs Ferry with Joe McNally, zen master guru of light and shadow

Last week I had the great pleasure of trekking out to Dobbs Ferry early early in the morning to spend a full day at a workshop with master photographer and all around great guy, Joe McNally. After reading both of his books practically cover to cover, I felt I had no choice but to sign up for the real thing when the workshop was announced. Sure, I had been to one of his seminars at Adorama, but that was in a room packed with people and mostly a slideshow with a little bit of a demo at the end, and this was the real deal. Eight hours of all of his toys and hands on experience. It was really cool to see a big name pro problem-solve and come up with ideas on the spot. It made me feel much more confident in that I don't feel that my preconceived notion that others can set up their lights and have someone step in and have everything look spectacular from the first frame without any tweaking whatsoever is at all reality. Everyone fusses and perfects and has to take some time to wrangle everything into place, even a master, and that fussing and tweaking is what leads us to new discoveries and creative possibilities.


Joe photographing the strikingly similar hairdos of Syl Arena from the pixsylated blog and Shauna, one of the models.

Joe explains it all to us in mime.

Break out session where we broke into groups of three (thanks Dave and Rob!) and we put our poor model Nathalia in a creepy elevator.

Joe's buddy Kent Miller poses oh-so patriotically.

Joe's assistants work real hard. When he says jump, they jump. Over and over again.

Mr. America

"and now I'm going to scorch all of your retinas!"

Folks from Adorama and Bogen chatting behind the scenes.

Joe needs more power!

Jeff Snyder from Adorama perched up above.

Kent gets to jump some more...

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